Property Management Blog

Resident Turnover: Minimizing Vacancies and Expenses

Ally Trygar - Thursday, February 29, 2024
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最大化您的投资回报(ROI),避免昂贵的人员流失和令人沮丧的空缺, you need to keep your best San Diego residents happy. 

影响你们利润的主要因素之一是常驻人员的流动率. 空置的出租物业可能导致租金收入的重大损失和营销方面的高额费用, repairs, and maintenance. 必须采取积极主动的措施,以尽量减少周转,并保持您的投资物业被占用. 

我们将分享一些房地产十大赌博信誉网站留住居民和增加收入的有效方法. 当你在建立一个常驻人员保留计划时,请记住这一点, 把这些居民视为有价值的客户是个好主意. They pay rent, and just like with any customer, 你需要向他们表明你欣赏和重视他们. 


Practice Good Communication and Active Listening

与你的住院医生保持良好的关系会让你更容易留住他们. Those relationships depend on excellent communication. 如果有投诉或争议,很可能你的居民希望被听到. Even if you cannot solve the problem, 用同情和关心来回应他们的问题,会让他们对你的感觉和他们的租赁体验有很大的不同. 

Listen actively. Ask questions. Determine what they need to feel better.

Communication also means accessibility. Your residents will need to know how to reach you. 一天24小时待命是很重要的,以防你的投资房产发生紧急情况. 

沟通是维持积极关系的关键. 当你可以有效地与你的居民沟通,并尽快解决他们的担忧, they’ll trust you, 他们更有可能续签租约,住在你的房子里. 

Check in regularly with your residents. Ask them about their rental experience, 并获得关于如何改善您的财产和他们的舒适度的反馈.

San Diego Investment Property Maintenance

Are you investing in your property? Making repairs is required. 改进是留住居民的好方法. 

Let’s look at maintenance, first. 紧急维护问题需要您立即处理. 如果有居民打电话报告房子里有洪水或者下水道有问题, 你需要马上把这些东西修好,以保证你的居民的安全和财产的宜居性. 

以同样的紧迫感应对日常维护问题. A running toilet might not seem like a big deal, 但你的住院医生会很感激你的及时反应. 这也是保护你投资状况的好方法. 

Beyond basic routine, emergency, and preventative maintenance, 你需要考虑外观吸引力和现代升级. 考虑改善投资物业的设施和电器,以提高居民的生活体验. Today, 你会发现对智能家居技术的需求很高,比如支持Wi-Fi的恒温器和视频门铃. Be willing to provide what your residents want, 这样你就更容易避免人员流失和空缺. 

Keep Rental Increases Reasonable

One of the things that can drive high turnover is a rental rate that does not match the market. When the rent is too high, 受过教育的居民将搬进一个以更少的钱提供更多价值的家. 当你确定你的初始租金时,研究一下市场. 获取有关同类房产租金的良好数据. At lease renewal time, do another analysis of the market. 设定一个既符合任何租金管制法律,又在当前市场上具有竞争力的涨幅. This will keep your residents in place. 

Offer Lease Renewal Incentives


鼓励居民续签租约, you may offer something special at renewal time, such as a new appliance, a month of free utilities, 或者可能是新油漆或专业的地毯清洁. 寻找他们关心的激励因素,吸引他们留下来. 

Does a resident want to adopt a pet? Offer a reduced pet fee. Have they asked for in-unit laundry? Consider providing a washer and dryer. 这些东西比营业额少得多. 你也可以允许住户对房屋进行一些调整,以适应他们的喜好. 当你的投资物业给你的居民带来家的感觉时,他们就不太可能离开. 

Screen Prospective Residents Effectively

Fair Housing LawFair housing laws must be followed when you’re screening residents. 你不能使用主观的标准或偏离你的既定标准. 作为筛选过程的一部分,一定要花些时间调查住户的租赁历史. You’re looking for someone who pays rent on time, manages money and credit well, and has a verifiable source of income. 

你还需要房客完成租期. When you’re screening, 要警惕过去违反租约的居民, been evicted, or moved out after only a few months. 当你把一个居民安置在一个坚实的地方时,你将避免人员流动和空缺成本, reliable, and verifiable rental history. 

较高的人员流动率会显著影响你的利润,并很快成为一个令人头疼的问题. As a real estate investor, 你可以采取积极的措施来避免人员流失,尽量减少空缺费用. This includes setting realistic rent rates, keeping your property in good condition, communicating effectively with your residents, offering lease renewal incentives, and screening prospective applicants effectively. 通过采用这些方法,你将能够实现低流动率, minimize expenses, and make more profits as a real estate investor.

What you can also do is hand this over to a professional property manager in San Diego. 我们在安置合格的住院医生并年复一年留住他们方面有着良好的记录. 我们投资于积极、富有成效的关系,并提供出色的租赁体验. 

如果你需要一些帮助来避免这些昂贵的周转成本和空缺日, contact us at PURE Property Management. 我们很乐意为您量身定制适合您的房产和您的 investment goals

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