


当房东可不是件容易的事. 房东s have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to renting their investment properties, 与他们的租户合作, 并保持物业的良好维护. 

But what are the main elements involved in this demanding position? Today, I’m going to provide you with my Top List of 8 Critical 房东 Responsibilities. 

如果你是出租物业的业主 you’re not down for taking on these responsibilities yourself, then, well, it’s time to hire a property manager. 我的公司, 北县地产集团, 正好在加州的圣地亚哥, but if you are tuning in from outside the area or in another 状态, 这大部分也适用于你!   

1. 遵守反歧视法

Before you advertise a vacant apartment or rental home, it’s crucial that you understand fair housing laws. 你在挑选房客时的言行举止, 如果你不小心, could result in a costly discrimination complaint and possible lawsuit. 

简单地说, you cannot do or say anything which results in discrimination based on their race, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 家族的地位, 身体或精神残疾, 领取公共援助, 最近, damage to credit and previous financial difficulties as a result of COVID-19 impact. 

2. 准备一份合法的书面租约或租赁协议

The rental agreement or lease signed with a tenant is the contractual basis for tenancy, full of crucial critical details about the landlord-tenant expectations. 加上联邦政府, 状态, 以及当地的房东-租客法, your lease or rental agreement sets out all the legal rules you and your tenant must follow. 


Conflict can occur when landlords include illegal clauses in the lease or when landlords fail to provide proper disclosures regarding the property. For everyone’s benefit, clarity should be prioritized when 准备租约 or rental agreement.

3. 进行法律要求的披露

房东s must make certain disclosures to tenants if they know facts about the property deemed to be important. Not being transparent in this regard can lead to serious consequences.

例如,家里是否有含铅油漆? Has there been previous mold issues and have these been corrected, and are there possible cancer or reproductive harm chemicals to be disclosed under proposition 65?  These are all vital to disclose prior to accepting a tenancy. 

4. 了解有关保证金的规定 

安全的存款 are one of the biggest areas of landlord/tenant disputes and small claims cases. 为了避免这些类型的冲突, you need to know the laws about security deposits: how much you can ask for security, 租客迁出时,可收取什么费用, and the timeframe within which the deposit disposition needs to be documented in writing with a balance returned to the former tenant. 

It’s also in your best interest to have a firm understanding of excessive damage vs 正常磨损. 通过知道这两个如何微分, you will have a clearer view of where the responsibility lies, and determine whether or not you can deduct repair costs from the security deposit.

5. 遵守房东-租客法

There are lots of overall rules and laws in place regarding landlord-tenant law and it can, 有时, 是艰巨的. These laws include things such as when you can raise the rent, 业主如何终止租约, 如何驱逐未交租金的租客, and notices to provide when there is a failure to pay rent or another breach of the lease agreement. 


如果你在旧金山有出租房产, 加州大学伯克利分校, 洛杉矶, or one of the 16 California cities with rent control, you need to be aware of those local ordinances too. Each city can have its own legal quirks when it comes to rental laws. 

6. 提供适宜居住的房屋

在加州, landlords are required to keep their rental unit habitable under a legal doctrine called the “可居住性的默示保证.” Tenants have the right to live in a clean, functional space. 

If you don’t keep up with important repairs that are essential to the living space (things like heating, 热水, 电器工作, 锁定门/窗), 加州的租户可能有几个选择. 这些可以采取租金扣缴的形式, claim of injuries due to defective conditions in the rental, 或者提前终止租赁.

7. 尊重租户的隐私

There are limits to a landlord’s access to the rental property. 在加州, landlords must provide 24 hours notice to enter unless the tenant gives their permission otherwise.  

十大赌博信誉网站属性访问和 物业保养 is a critical aspect to keep good tenant relationships and not infringe on the tenant’s right to peaceful enjoyment of the home. Be sure to also request access to the rental property within reasonable hours, 不是12点, 例如. 当然,紧急情况除外. 

8. Don't Retaliate Against a Tenant Who Exercises a Legal Right

它是 报复是非法的 比如在加州, by attempting to raise the rent or evict a tenant for complaining about an unsafe living condition. 为了避免问题, 或者反击虚假的报复指控, establish a good paper trail to document how you handle repairs and other important facts of your relationship with your tenant.


这就是我的清单! Being a landlord means juggling a fair amount of responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. It can be overwhelming when you’re just starting out. However, with enough time, these responsibilities are all things you can master. 

There are many important aspects I’ve not covered, so if you have any questions or would like to discuss further details, 不要犹豫,伸出援助之手. 

另外, if you’ve found that these responsibilities are too demanding, 考虑聘请我们的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司! 与 北县地产集团的服务, you’ll bypass the learning stage and head straight for the rewards of being a rental property owner. We’d be happy to speak to you about how we can best help your real e状态 investment pursuits. 


