
New Laws for California Rental Property Owners

Bob Preston - Tuesday, February 2, 2021

On a recent episode of our Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Brainstorm podcast, 鲍勃与特蕾西·梅雷尔讨论了2019年和2020年影响加州房东的立法更新, Managing Attorney of Education, at 金博,Tirey & St. 约翰(节)

除了其他更新外,特蕾西还对2019年的《十大赌博信誉网站》进行了全面审查. 该法案对整个加州的住宅租赁物业实行租金上限和正当理由驱逐限制, alongside a number of other new laws.

 下面, 您将发现这些新更新的深入概述以及这些加州租赁法对财产所有者的影响. 


充分了解影响房东-租客法的最新立法变化总是很重要的. This is very true in the state of California, where there are many new laws from the 2019 legislative session.

Tracey Merrell是一家提供全方位服务的房地产和商业律师事务所的十大赌博信誉网站律师. One of their areas of practice is residential landlord-tenant law. Tracy曾利用法律专业知识向我们概述了加利福尼亚州的房东-租户权利和针对COVID-19大流行的法律.

 重要的是要记住,这篇文章的内容是在法律和加州的背景下. While it'll be informative to those outside of California, 一定要研究并澄清你所在州和当地司法管辖区的具体法律. 

也, 请记住,本博客上的信息仅用于一般信息目的,而不是个人法律建议. For advice on specific issues, please contact an attorney. 所讨论的立法更新并不详尽,法律的解释可能会改变.


Tenant Protection Act of 2019

最好把重点放在房东可能需要在租赁协议中添加的法律上,并向房客解释. The new law that perhaps has received the most attention is the Tenant Protection Act of 2019. 它也被称为AB 1482,它属于所谓的租金上限和正义事业.


Merrell解释道, the act is essentially statewide 租金控制全州范围内 驱逐控制. 房东s are subject to this law unless they meet one of the expressed exemptions. If you do not meet an expressed exemption, then you and your property will be subject to these new terms.

 Under the Tenant Protection Act, landlords need to ensure that:

  • they're providing permitted rent increases.

  • if they decide to terminate a tenancy, they have a specific reason and state these specific reasons under 1482.


在新租金上限下, landlords cannot raise the rent by more than 5%, plus the local CPI (Consumer Price Index).

 Rent increases are capped at 10% under the Tenant Protection Act. What that means is that if the CPI is more than 5%, you'll still be limited to no more than a 10% overall increase.

california landlord tenant law civil code: rent cap

Additionally, landlords are limited to two rent increases per year. There used to be no cap on how many times a landlord increase the rent in a year, as long as you gave the proper notice. 现在, landlords are not allowed to raise the rent more than two times in a year, regardless of the amount of the increases.

 仔细考虑你可以涨房租的幅度和频率总是很重要的, 但现在,当有多个严格的限制需要记住时,这一点尤其正确.



正当理由意味着你不能在没有正当理由的情况下向按月租客发出30天或60天的通知. 除非你有合法的商业理由,否则你不能向租客提供不续订合同.

 The Tenant Protection Act provides numerous conditions under just which cause apply. 房东s have to cite one of those reasons. Some of the legitimate reasons for non-renewal are related to tenant fault, while others are non-tenant fault. 正如新租金上限的情况一样,有许多豁免你应该知道.


 新房客保护法的一个重要方面是强制性披露的形式. 你的财产是否受到租客保护法的约束,无论是租金上限还是正当理由? If so, this must be disclosed in the lease. Other necessary disclosures were required to be present in new leases by last July.

 As Tracey Merrell explains, 金博,Tirey & St. John have updated their leases to adhere to these new requirements. 她说,所有房东都应该确保所有新租约中都包含这些条款和信息披露, 从去年夏天开始.

Persons at Risk of Homelessness

众所周知,加州的某些地区存在严重的无家可归问题, particularly in the metropolitan areas. 一项新法律, AB 1188,  is aimed at helping solve or relieve the homeless issue.

california lease laws: mitigating the risk of homelessness

 Merrell解释道, 第1188号法案赋予承租人临时将有无家可归风险的人加入租约的权利. If a person is in a precarious housing situation, a tenant may be permitted to temporarily add them to the lease, to help them get back on their feet before finding new housing.

 梅雷尔说,她看待这条法律的方式是考虑一个刚刚陷入困境的人. 而不是把房东拖进这个过程,可能会毁了他们的信用, 他们可能是他们的表亲或朋友,希望有机会在部队待上一两个月,让他们重新振作起来, so they can get their security deposit ready to go and move on into another unit.

 This law does not require landlords to offer this solution. 相反,它为灵活的房东提供了一个机会,帮助那些正在经历艰难时期的租户. 请记住,这种情况不适用于那些已经住在经济适用房的人.


It's fairly common for tenants to run daycare centers out of their living spaces. When tenants apply to rent a property, 他们可能是带着这样的想法申请的,他们想在一个特定的家庭外经营一个日托中心.

 〇新法律SB 234—allows large daycare centers to be also considered a residential use of a property. 在此之前,小型日托中心已经被认为是住宅用途的财产. So this just added an additional protection for large daycare centers.

new rental law in california: family daycare homes

这项新法律的含义是,你不能仅仅因为一个租房申请人想把你的房产用作日托所而拒绝他. 而申请人通常被禁止将住宅物业出租用于商业目的, under the relevant codes a daycare center is not considered a business.

 Merrell recommends that if your rental property includes a daycare center, 最好向专家寻求帮助,因为房屋分类可能很复杂, 更不用说在你的房产上开设日托所带来的责任问题了.

Final Thoughts On California Tenant Rights

This detailed overview is a great starting point, but there's a large number of additional new laws that affect California landlords. 这些新法律还涉及军人、保证金等问题.

 这就是为什么特雷西·梅雷尔建议自己尽可能多地学习加州的房东-房客法. 她说,有许多法律甚至连律师都觉得很复杂,或者很难跟上时代. One way to make sure you have as much information as possible is on the KTS website.

 如果您在圣地亚哥地区的租赁物业十大赌博信誉网站方面寻求帮助, get in touch with the team at North County Property Group. 我们很乐意向您介绍我们可以提供的基本服务,以帮助您的出租物业茁壮成长.



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