Property Management Blog


Bob Preston - Friday, March 3, 2023
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A diverse real estate investment portfolio will accomplish a number of things for you. 这样你就有更好的机会减少任何类型的投资所带来的风险. 涉足多种房地产甚至多个地区和市场的机会更大. 


你投资出租房产是因为你想在短期和长期内赚钱. 通过获得不同类型的属性来增加你的收入, and understanding how they can work for you.

Evaluate Your Current Real Estate Investment Portfolio

投资不同类型的房地产有很多不同的方式. But first, you have to understand your starting point. What do you own right now? Whether it’s one property or one hundred properties, 你需要评估你目前持有的股票,寻找分散投资的机会. 

Take a look at what you’re currently investing in. Do they all look the same? 它们大多是单户住宅还是小型多户住宅? Are they only commercial properties? Vacation rentals? 

圣地亚哥租赁市场为不同类型的十大赌博信誉网站提供了许多不同的房地产资产类别. You will have different rates of return on each asset class, and the property type will often determine the rental amount, appreciation estimates, and tenant pool. 

When you invest in one type of property only, 你将被现有的结果所困,而没有任何在新的和不同的市场中增长的潜力.  

许多新十大赌博信誉网站致力于单户出租房屋,对冒险进入多户住宅或建筑感到紧张. It can seem uncertain. But, if you’re an investor interested in growth, you’ll need to try something different, especially if it serves your investment goals

When you want to invest in different property classes and types, but you feel like you’re outside of your own area of expertise, 不要害怕去找那些对不同类型的房产有着丰富经验的人. 

Professional property managers in San Diego are a great resource. You can also talk to fellow investors. 对你不太了解的房产类型进行自我教育. Investing in new areas will feel less uncertain.


如果你的投资组合中还没有独户住宅,可以考虑买一个. 单户住宅总是很好的投资,尤其是当你 buying rental property in and around San Diego. 这些房产对租户的需求很高,你可以收取最高的租金, 特别是如果房子保养得很好,而且有足够的空间, a yard, and a garage. 

单户投资房产也会迅速升值, 你会发现你的资产价值每年都在稳步攀升. 

但是,你不会想把所有的钱都投入到一种类型的房产中. We recommend single-family rental homes, 当你有意分散投资组合时,我们也推荐多户住宅. 

为了使你的投资组合多样化,也可以考虑多户住宅. 有很多方法可以帮助你的投资组合赚更多的钱. 

  • 这些单元将为你提供更多的收入,因为你从几个不同的门赚取租金. 

  • 多户住宅的空置风险也较小. 不再是每个月收一笔租金,而是每月收两笔、三笔或四笔. 如果一个单位空置,你仍然可以从其他单位获得收入. 

  • 多户投资还提供预防性维护、虫害防治、 property management, and other services. Your per-unit costs will be lower because you have more units.


How to Diversify Your Portfolio with a 1031 Exchange

如果你不确定自己是否有能力购买一处新房产,那就另当别论了, we have an idea for you. 

Consider a 1031 exchange. Not only do you have the opportunity to buy something new that will add diversity to your portfolio; you can do it without a lot of cash because you’re using the proceeds from the sale of an existing investment property

Added bonus: you get to defer taxes. 

1031指数是一种有效的、以增长为导向的长期投资策略. When you sell an income-producing property,你可以用收益购买另一个类似的创收物业. It doesn’t have to be the exact same. You can exchange a single-family home for a duplex. You can sell a condo and buy a single-family home. 这种交易可以让你在不花很多钱的情况下实现多样化.


它还可以让你放弃不再符合你投资目标的租赁房产, 允许您获得一项(或多项)可以提供更好回报的投资. 

让我们来看一个例子:也许你在一栋小楼里有六个出租单元, and those properties are beginning to need a lot of repairs. 你知道你所有的投资都是这种大小的小公寓楼, and you’d like to buy something different. 

目前市场正处于过渡时期,抵押贷款利率很高. How will you finance that new property?

Well, with a 1031 exchange, 你会卖掉那栋有六个单元的大楼,用这笔钱买一套独户住宅,或者在一个新建的HOA社区买一套公寓. 

你不仅卸载了一个不适合你的属性, you’re also diversifying your portfolio.

Investment Portfolio有一些很好的方法可以把新的房地产类型纳入你的投资组合. 你也可以通过投资不同的社区和市场来实现多样化. You can switch up the way you finance your property investments. 

If you’d like some ideas, we can always help. Contact our team at North County Property Group, 我们将讨论如何在圣地亚哥分散投资组合.

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