

系统- 2021年9月29日星期三

北郡地产集团首席执行官鲍勃·普雷斯顿 最近当选 to serve as the Southwest Regional Vice President and board member for the National Association of 居民ial Property Managers (NARPM®) for the 2022 – 2024 term.

Nominated and elected by a group of property management peers within the industry, Bob will be serving NARPM at a national level for a two-year term. 

鲍勃·普雷斯顿, CEO and Broker at 北县地产集团 says “It is a great honor to serve on the NARPM board of directors as the Southwest Regional Vice President...西南部的州是相当多样化的, 受到很多地区的影响, yet with common values for which all property managers need continued education.”

鲍勃自己说的. 对物业经理来说,继续教育是必不可少的, and we are excited for our very own CEO to give back to the community he cares so much for by serving as the Southwest Regional Vice President and Board Member. 

正如物业十大赌博信誉网站头脑风暴所说明的那样, a podcast run by 鲍勃·普雷斯顿 which is popular among property managers, 鲍勃一直致力于教育行业内的其他人, always choosing relevant topics for episodes and inviting other industry leaders to speak. 

It is no wonder that 北县地产集团 has been awarded the three top designations by our industry associations. The 居民ial 十大赌博信誉网站 Professional (RMP®) and Master Property Manager (MPM®). AND the prestigious Certified 居民ial 十大赌博信誉网站 Company (CRMC®). 

是北县唯一的物业集团 圣地亚哥的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司 county which has been awarded with these top three designations. 

The MPM® designation is awarded only to those property managers obtaining the highest levels of achievement, 教育需求, participation in and service to the National Association of 居民ial Property Managers (NARPM®) organization, 还有房地产经验. 

We are the only Certified 居民ial 十大赌博信誉网站 Company (CRMC®) in all of Southern California and one of only four in the entire State of California. The National Association of 居民ial Property Managers (NARPM®) awarded us with this honor after a highly selective application process and rigorous on-site audit of our property management processes, 系统, 遵守法律. Criterion examined during the audit included compliance with all local, 州和联邦法规, as well as compulsory operating procedures enforced by our staff of experienced managers.


拥有20多年的工作经验, you can count on us to deliver high-end 圣地亚哥 property management services. Our program is designed to not only meet but exceed your expectations as a real estate investor. 用你的信任和信心, we will maximize the value of your real estate investments under our management. 

北郡物业集团将是您值得信赖的顾问. 我们的目标是保护您的租赁物业投资, 实现你的房地产财务目标, and most of all to free you of the time involved in being a landlord.


We are dedicated to providing outstanding services to the high-end of the 圣地亚哥 rental market. The average value of a home under our management is more than double that of our competitors, at $1.2500万美元. 难怪我们在平均房屋价值十大赌博信誉网站中排名第一. 北县地产集团 is the top choice in 圣地亚哥 for your high-end property. 


拥有20多年的工作经验 in the property management industry, you know that you can count on 北县地产集团 to take excellent care of your property. 我们从事物业十大赌博信誉网站业务已经很长时间了, 当你与我们合作时, 我们用我们的经验为你服务. 


Our goal is to free you of every responsibility that comes with being a rental property investor or landlord. 我们努力建立您的信任和信心, so that you can be completely hands-free when it comes to your property or properties. Let us handle all of the work while you enjoy all of the passive income. 

Confidence of the highest designations awarded by our industry association

 如前所述, 是北县唯一的物业集团 圣地亚哥的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司 county who has been awarded the top three industry designations ( the 居民ial 十大赌博信誉网站 Professional (RMP®) and Master Property Manager (MPM®). AND the prestigious Certified 居民ial 十大赌博信誉网站 Company (CRMC®). 


We are committed to giving back to our community through both time and donations. 在Covid-19, 北县地产集团 formed the giving fund NCPG Cares to assist tenants going through financial hardship. We pledge to give a minimum of 1% of quarterly revenues or $100 ($50 cash and $50 volunteer time) for every new property added to our portfolio, 取较大的. 最重要的是, 北县地产集团 is committed to supporting the local 圣地亚哥 Habitat for Humanity and their mission.  


凭借我们多年的经验, 奖, 以及无与伦比的专业精神, you might not realize that 北县地产集团 is a family owned business! 当您与我们合作时,您将获得沟通, 家族企业的透明和诚实, with all the benefits you would expect from partnering with a corporate property management company.  


北县地产集团 stands out as a top 圣地亚哥的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司 and its surrounding areas. We’d love to connect with you, and share what we can do for you and your investments. 


